
Grace CRC, Grand Rapids

Grace CRC in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is one of many affirming churches in the Christian Reformed Church of North America. Below, you will find their statement.

If your congregation should be included in our list, please let us know!  

(Scroll down for info on joining GraceCRC for worship.)

Grace CRC – Grand Rapids, MI

Council Approved Motion (September 14, 2022)

Grace Church celebrates LGBTQ+ people as image bearers, loved by God, and welcomes them
whether single, in a dating relationship, or married. Those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord shall
enjoy full participation in the life of the church, including ordination to the roles of elder and
deacon, preaching, being married, having their children baptized, and filling all leadership roles
as their gifts allow.

Letter to Congregation from the Grace Council

Beloved Grace Family:
We as a church have been extensively discussing appropriate inclusion of our LGBTQ+ siblings
for some time, both as a congregation and denomination. As stated in our 2017 statement, we
have sought “to be a welcoming community where all are accepted as sinners saved by grace”
yet at that time we chose not to articulate “an official position statement” regarding same-sex

We do not all agree on this issue, and some passionately disagree, yet we seek to be sisters and
brothers in fellowship. Within our diversity of opinions and understandings, we hope to remain
God’s witnesses to each other and our neighbors of grace in action, making room for one
another in God’s wide kingdom.

Within that diversity of thought, this year we have sought to discern a common path forward
regarding specific policies. We either will or will not consider those in a same-sex marriage to
be fully members in good standing, eligible to serve as leaders among us or to have their
weddings solemnized in the church.

Thus, this proposed policy has been under discussion in recent months: Grace Church
celebrates LGBTQ+ people as image bearers, loved by God, and welcomes them whether
single, in a dating relationship, or married. Those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord shall enjoy
full participation in the life of the church, including ordination to the roles of elder and deacon,
preaching, being married, having their children baptized, and filling all leadership roles as their
gifts allow.

This policy proposes a way we choose to behave as a community, even while we don’t all agree
on some of the underlying principles or even the full wisdom of the policy. We all do seek,
however, to be the body of Christ, known not just in name, but in action, by grace.

Grace’s council has discussed and revised this language, welcomed feedback on it from thecongregation, held detailed educational classes on the topic, offered various listening circles
about its impact, and recently polled the congregation for their sense of it.

A total of 79 members of the congregation participated in the congregational survey. The
responses were as follows:

  • 46 yes I agree, and it would be hard for me if it does not pass – 58%
  • 12 yes I agree, but I would be content if it does not pass – 15%
  • 5 undecided and content either way – 6%
  • 3 no I don’t agree, but I would be content if it does pass – 4%
  • 13 no I don’t agree, and it would be hard for me if it does pass – 16%

Receiving this information, Grace’s council took up the matter again at our September 14, 2022
meeting. After receiving final comments, exploring the poll results, and extensive discussion
and prayer, the Council voted by a wide margin to adopt this policy as Grace’s practice going

This is an important season for Grace Church. As we emerge from the pandemic and call a new
pastor, we begin a new chapter in ministry, and we seek to do so as a single body. We don’t all
have to agree, and there’s room for dissent. Paul’s words from Ephesians 4 can both challenge
and comfort us. May we bear with one another in love, making every effort to keep our unity in
the Spirit through the bond of peace. Whatever our position on becoming an affirming church,
let this scripture be our model for how we care for one another.

We pray that as brothers and sisters, the Spirit will bind us together and fill us afresh to be the
voice and hands of Christ, welcoming our neighbors and building each other up.

Let us honor our Lord by our love and care for one another.
The Council of Grace Church

Grace CRC offers both in-person and live-streaming worship opportunities.

Sunday Morning Worship at 11:00 am
100 Buckley SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Building is fully accessible; nursery for infants and
toddlers; children’s worship.
Livestream at:

Download the current list of affirming churches and their statements here.