Panel Discussion

You Watched the Film, Now Join the Conversation!

Hesed Project CRC invites you to register to attend our post-screening panel conversation on 1946, The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture.

When: Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 7.p.m.

Where: This online event will feature three superb panelists, discussing the film and answering your questions.

Panelists include Biblical scholar Sylvia Keesmaat, the film’s director, Sharon  “Rocky” Roggio, Gestalt therapist Bill Taekema, and special guest, Ed Oxford! Read more about the panelists, below. You will attend the panel anonymously as a webinar guest, so questions must be submitted in advance, and you must register to receive the link.

Submit your questions for the panelists and register to attend:  1946, Join The Conversation


Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat is a biblical scholar, farmer, and activist. Raised in the Christian Reformed Church, Sylvia has attended both Christian Reformed and Anglican churches as an adult. She has spoken on LGBTQ+ topics for over 25 years in Anglican, CRC, Baptist, Mennonite, and wider evangelical contexts, and has written on this topic in her co-authored book, Romans Disarmed: Resisting Empire, Demanding Justice (with Brian Walsh). She teaches online at

Bill Taekema grew up in the Christian Reformed Church and has continued to keep his hand on the pulse of the CRC in its journey towards love and acceptance. For the past 19 years, he has had the honor and privilege of being a Gestalt Therapist. In this role, Bill believes he is fulfilling his life purpose of helping others to help themselves. As a result, his clients gain personal awareness of their limiting beliefs that are keeping them stuck in negative behaviors. Using his unique skills and abilities, he offers many wholistic therapeutic supports, where his clients become self-aware and how they can be “in-the-moment” in order to choose to be more lovingly present, in their everyday lives. 

Sharon Rocky Roggio is an independent filmmaker and production designer (credits include House of Cards, Red Dawn). Rocky is also a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, and moved out of her home after coming out to her conservative, religious parents. Rocky’s father, Sal Roggio, is a non-affirming pastor and preaches that the LGBTQIA+ lifestyle is sinful.


More about the film

The exegesis [Bible study] described in the film is high quality, responsible scholarship – but not indisputable. I think the producers of the movie deeply desire to be honest and fair with those who disagree with them. The producers do not make people who disagree with them look stupid or bigoted.”

                                                                                                                     -A CRC Theologian

The movie shows how Bible translation is complicated, fraught and invariably mistaken at times. It reminds us why the church affirms that the original text of Scripture (which we don’t even have) is infallible, but not translations of that text.”

                                                                                                                    -A CRC Theologian

Read the attached review published by Christian Courier on January 24, 2024 titled 1946: A Text in Context and consider sharing in your communities as a way of generating interest.

Watch the trailer