
The Little Church on the Corner by Roger Nelson


Roger Nelson

Roger Nelson has been the pastor of Hope Christian Reformed Church in Oak Forest, Illinois, for 22 years. He’s a husband, father, grandfather and the author of Listening for the Voice: Collected Sermons and Reflections on Preaching published by Broken Spoke Books.


How will Synod 2024 respond to the many churches like Hope CRC? This is an example of one church in the CRC who’ve learned how to disagree and stay together as the body of Christ. They wonder how Synod 2024 will affect their ability to carry on their ministry. Their prayer is that the CRCNA will have room for churches like Hope.


Roger Nelson is the pastor of a thriving CRC in Oak Forest, Illinois. Since the early 1960s, this church has had it’s ups and downs, seasons of growth and decline. This church, like so many others in the CRC did not even know what a gravaman was a few years ago. They’ve wrestled together as all congregations should. Nelson says “Living with questions, mystery, and a diversity of experience is part of our giftedness. We’ve found unity in baptism, eucharist, mission, and the gospel of grace. We’ve been shaped by biblical preaching and the teaching of the catechism, but there’s always been a vibrant conversation among fellow seekers and strugglers.”

 Hope CRC believes that this is a matter of pastoral care and not confessional determination.  Read the article here. 

The Little Church on the Corner