
Bethany CRC, Muskegon, MI

At Bethany Church, we believe each person is wonderfully made in the image of God, with distinctions and unique attributes that make the world more beautiful. Every person is beloved, gifted, and called to serve. When it comes to participating and leading within this community, the identity we share in Christ takes priority over all other identities. Therefore, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability or social and economic class, all who confess Jesus Christ as Lord are welcome to fully participate within the life of this church. In this community, all people are encouraged to live fully into their created goodness and respond to God’s call to be a faithful presence of Christ in core city Muskegon. Together, we worship as a way of life, pause daily, practice welcome and care, and invest (+ protest) wholeheartedly in God’s good purposes for our church, city and world.


Download the current list of affirming churches and their statements here.